Saturday, October 20, 2007

Port scanning II


Voi prezenta in continuare unealta mea favorita de scanare a porturilor si anume FScan.exe..Optiunile sunt urmatoarele:

-?/-h - shows this help text
-a - append to output file (used in conjunction with -o option)
-b - get port banners
-c - timeout for connection attempts (ms)
-d - delay between scans (ms)
-e - resolve IP addresses to hostnames
-f - read IPs from file (compatible with output from -o)
-i - bind to given local port
-l - port list file - enclose name in quotes if it contains spaces
-n - no port scanning - only pinging (unless you use -q)
-o - output file - enclose name in quotes if it contains spaces
-p - TCP port(s) to scan (a comma separated list of ports/ranges)
-q - quiet mode, do not ping host before scan
-r - randomize port order
-t - timeout for pings (ms)
-u - UDP port(s) to scan (a comma separated list of ports/ranges)
-v - verbose mode
-z - maximum simultaneous threads to use for scanning